The Rules of the 2005 ACM-ICPC World Finals

Revision History:  Final Version 10 April 2004.  Red text changed to black.




World Finals Site

Team Requirements


Support and Prizes

Conduct of the Finals

Scoring of the Finals

Computing Environment

Contestant Conduct

Policies and Procedures

Mission 目的

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) provides college students with opportunities to interact with students from other universities and to sharpen and demonstrate their problem-solving, programming, and teamwork skills.  The contest provides a platform for ACM, industry, and academia to encourage and focus public attention on the next generation of computing professionals as they pursue excellence. (from the ICPC Policies and Procedures)


Introduction はじめに

The contest is a two-tiered competition among teams of students representing institutions of higher education. Teams first compete in Regional Contests, held around the world from October to November each year. The winning team from each Regional Contest advances to the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals that is typically held in March. Additional high-ranking teams may be invited to the World Finals as Wild Card teams.


Organization 組織

The ICPC is organized according to the ICPC Policies and Procedures.  The Executive Committee, chaired by the Executive Director, sets the policy and general rules for the conduct of the contest. The Executive Director is solely responsible for interpreting the rules and for ruling on unforeseen situations.


World Finals Site 世界大会の場所

The World Finals will be held at the Pudong Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai, China, hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.  Teams will arrive on Sunday, April 3, 2005, and depart on Thursday, April 7, 2005.  The competition will be on Wednesday, April 6, 2005.  Please see the Schedule of Events at for details.

今年の世界大会は、中国、上海のPudong Shangri-La Hotelで、上海交通大学の主催により開かれる。チームは2005年43日、日曜日に到着し、2005年47日、木曜日に出発する。大会は200546日、水曜日に開かれる。詳細はスケジュールを見よ。

World Finals Team Requirements  世界大会に出場するチームに対する要求事項

Teams qualify to advance to the World Finals through Regional Contests. Only one team from a given institution may advance to the World Finals.  Team members will be provided free one-year memberships in ACM at On-Site Registration.  No team member on the qualifying team may have competed as a contestant in two previous World Finals.

地域予選を通じて、世界大会に進出する資格のあるチームが選ばれる。ひとつの教育機関からは高々1チームしか世界に進出することはできない。世界大会に進出したチームのメンバーは、現地登録On-Site Registrationにおいて1年間のACMメンバーシップを無償で提供される。過去に2回以上世界大会に出場したことがある選手をふくむチームは、世界大会に出場する資格を得ることができない。

The coach of a qualifying team is the point-of-contact prior to and during World Finals activities. The coach must complete certification at the Team Certification Web Site within five (5) business days of notification.  Qualifying teams will be issued an invitation by email and postal mail within one business day of completing certification.

世界大会に進出するチームのコーチは、世界大会の前と世界大会の間、チームの連絡役をつとめる。コーチは通知があってから5business day 以内に、Team Certification Web Site にて certificationを済ませなければならない。チームは登録があってから1 business day 以内に、登録完了のeメールおよび郵便メールをうけとる。

Qualifying teams requiring visas must initiate the process of applying for visas within 10 business days of being issued an invitation. Teams failing to comply with any of these requirements will be ruled ineligible to compete in the World Finals.  Upon completion of these requirements, a qualifying team will be advanced to the World Finals.

ビザが必要なチームは、招待されてから10business day 以内に、ビザの取得を開始しなければならない。これらの要件のひとつでも満たしていないチームは世界大会への参加を許可されない。要件を全て満たし次第、チームは世界大会へ進出できる。

A team advancing to the World Finals will be comprised of the same three members as when it qualified. In the event that a team member is unwilling, unable or unfit to compete in the World Finals, the coach must notify the ICPC Manager in a timely manner. A team member who is unwilling or unfit to compete in the World Finals will be disqualified from further ICPC competitions.  The team member may appeal disqualification to the Appeals Committee.

世界大会に進出するチームは、地域予選に出場したときと同一の3人から構成される必要がある。メンバーのいずれかが、自らの意思、事故、病気、資格の欠如などの理由から世界大会に参加できないときは、コーチがICPCマネージャに前もって届けなくてはならない。自らの意思や資格の欠如からいったん世界大会に参加しなかった人物は、以降のICPCの大会の出場資格を失う。資格喪失の理由に不服のときは、Appeals Committee に抗議することができる。

At on-site registration, participants must provide picture ID (passport, driver's license, etc).  Contestants must show proof of enrollment at the university during the term of the regional contest at which they qualified.  A letter on university stationary with the signature of a university official accompanied by an English translation is sufficient.

現地登録において、参加者たちは写真つきの自己証明書(パスポートや運転免許証など)を呈示しなければならない。選手たちは、自分が参加した地域大会の期間中、自分の大学に在学していたことを示す証明書を呈示する必要がある。 英語の翻訳の添えられた、university officialのサイン入りの在学証明書があれば十分である。

Attendance 参加

Finalists must attend all required events from On-Site Registration to Celebration as indicated in the Schedule of Events.  Failure to attend any required event will result in disqualification and forfeiture of scholarships and prizes.  Coaches must be accessible during On-Site Registration, the Practice Session, the World Finals, and the Awards Ceremony.

決勝参加者たちは、On-Site Registration から Celebrationまでの、 Schedule of Eventsに登場する、参加を要求されているイベントにはすべて参加しなくてはならない。参加が必要なイベントの一つにでも欠席した場合、大会の参加資格や、奨学金や賞品の喪失につながる。コーチは On-Site Registration, the Practice Session, the World Finals, およびthe Awards Ceremonyの間、つねに連絡がとれる状態になくてはならない。

World Finals Support and Prizes 世界大会における援助と賞品

Each finalist team will be provided with hotel accommodations including breakfast for the coach and three contestants for four nights, arriving three days before the World Finals and departing the day after. The hotel accommodations will either be a two-room suite or two separate sleeping rooms.  The teams and coaches will be treated to a full schedule of activities. Some additional travel funding is provided for finalists traveling to the World Finals from off continent.

決勝参加チームの選手3人およびコーチに対しては、世界大会の3日前から1日後にかけての4泊ぶんのホテルでの宿泊と朝食が提供される。部屋は two-room suite もしくはtwo separate sleeping roomsである。チームとコーチはスケジュールいっぱいのさまざまな活動によってもてなされる。大陸外からの参加者には旅費が提供される。

The UPE Computer Science Honor Society provides $200 to each team attending the UPE Business Meeting, typically held the day before the World Finals, plus an additional $300 to teams representing institutions with UPE chapters or who are in the process of establishing UPE chapters. Teams must attend the UPE Business Meeting to receive the UPE funds.

UPE Computer Science Honor Societyは、 恒例決勝の前日にとりおこなわれるUPE Business Meetingに参加した各チームに200ドルを提供する。UPE支部のある、もしくはUPE支部が構成されつつある機関の代表に対しては追加で300ドルが支払われる。UPE補助金を受けとるためにはUPE Business Meetingに参加しなくてはならない。

Teams finishing in the top four positions will be awarded Gold Medals.  Those teams finishing fifth through eighth place will be awarded Silver Medals.  Those teams finishing ninth through twelfth place will receive Bronze Medals.


The highest scoring team is the World Champion and will receive the World Champion Cup and plaques.  The North American Champions, the Latin American Champions, the European Champions, the South Pacific Champions, the Asian Champions, and the Africa & Middle East Champions will be presented plaques.


The World Champion team will be awarded $10,000. Each of the other three Gold Medal teams will be awarded $3,000.  Each Silver Medal team will be awarded $2,000.  Each Bronze Medal team will be awarded $1,000.  In the event of a tie, benefits of the affected places will be pooled and distributed evenly among the tying teams.


World Finals Computing Environment 世界大会の計算環境

The World Finals programming language tools include Java, C/C++, and Pascal.  See the Programming Environment Web Site, for detailed configuration information.  Prior to the World Finals, the judges will have solved all problems in Java and C/C++, but not necessarily in Pascal.  The decision to drop Pascal as a 2006 World Finals language will be ratified at the 2005 World Finals.

世界大会は、Java,C/C++,Pascalが使用できる。詳細はProgramming Environment Web Siteを参照のこと。ジャッジは全ての問題を前もってJava,C/C++で解いておくのだが、Pascalで解けることは確認しない。Pascal2006年以降、世界大会の使用言語から外されることが決定している。

Each team will be provided with a single computer and a calculator.  All teams will have equivalent computing equipment.


Contestants may not bring any printed materials or machine-readable versions of software or data to the Contest Area. Contestants may not bring their own computers, computer terminals, calculators, or other electronic devices to the Contest Area.


Each team member may bring an unannotated natural language dictionary.  On-line reference materials will be made available as described at the Reference Materials Web Site.   Each team will be permitted to provide a PDF file of up to 25 pages of notes within the limits described at the Team Certification Web Site.  Details are provided at On-Site Registration Instructions.

各チームのメンバーは一冊ずつ、書き込みのない辞書を持ち込んでもよい。 Reference Materials Web Siteに説明されているオンラインマニュアルが使用可能である。Team Certification Web Siteに説明されている条件をみたした25ページまでのPDFファイルを持ち込んでよい。詳細はOn-Site Registration Instructionsで。

Conduct of the World Finals 決勝の進行

Eight or more problems have been posed in recent World Finals.


Problems will be posed in English. During the contest, all communications from contest officials to contestants will be in English. Each team may identify an interpreter for translating questions posed by contestants to contest officials. Contestants may bring electronic natural language translators provided that they do not support math operations.


Solutions to problems submitted for judging are called runs. Each run is judged as accepted or rejected, and the team is notified of the results. Rejected runs will be marked as follows:


  • run-time error

  • time-limit exceeded

  • wrong answer

  • presentation error

Notification of accepted runs will be suspended at the appropriate time to keep the final results secret. A general announcement to that effect will be made during the contest. Notification of rejected runs will continue until the end of the contest.


A contestant may submit a claim of ambiguity or error in a problem statement by submitting a clarification request. If the Judges agree that an ambiguity or error exists, a clarification will be issued to all contestants.


While the contest is scheduled to last five hours, the Finals Director has the authority to lengthen the contest in the event of unforeseen difficulties. Should the Contest duration be altered, every attempt will be made to notify contestants in a timely and uniform manner.


Contestant Conduct in the Contest Area and During the World Finals コンテストの運営

DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING at the team workstations until so directed by the Finals Director.


Contestants are not to converse with anyone except members of their team and personnel designated by the Finals Director. Systems support staff may advise contestants on system-related problems such as explaining system error messages.


A team may be disqualified by the Finals Director for any activity that jeopardizes the World Finals such as dislodging extension cords, unauthorized modification of contest materials, or distracting behavior.


Scoring of the World Finals  コンテストの得点

The World Finals Judges are solely responsible for determining the correctness of submitted runs. In consultation with the World Finals Judges, the Director of Judging is responsible for determining the winners of the World Finals. They are empowered to adjust for or adjudicate unforeseen events and conditions. Their decisions are final.


Teams are ranked according to the most problems solved. Teams placing in the first twelve places who solve the same number of problems are ranked first by least total time and, if need be, by the earliest time of submittal of the last accepted run.


The total time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved. The time consumed for a solved problem is the time elapsed from the beginning of the contest to the submittal of the first accepted run plus 20 penalty minutes for every previously rejected run for that problem. There is no time consumed for a problem that is not solved.
