2006年度 / 冬合宿


Discussion on the Problem Set

2nd Day

  • Problem A: Cells
  • Problem B: Japan
  • Problem C: Maximum
  • Problem D: The Phantom
  • Problem E: Payment System
  • Problem F: Rakunarok
  • Problem G: Roof
  • Problem H: Seminar Room
  • Problem I: String Compression

3rd Day

  • Problem A: Dock to the Future
  • Problem B: Widget Factory
  • Problem C: Hills
  • Problem D: Frame of Nucleus
  • Problem E: Safe Packing
  • Problem F: The "Shortest" Pair of Paths
  • Problem G: Resource
  • Problem H: Exact Arithmetic
  • Problem I: Counting Triangles
  • Problem J: Wireing Assistant

Last-modified: 2011-11-08 (火) 21:39:50 (4644d)