2006年 / 夏合宿


Discussion on the Problem Set

1st Day

  • Problem A: Monkey Business
  • Problem B: The Closest Circle
  • Problem C: Sort that Queue

2nd Day

  • Problem A: Moduic Squares
  • Problem B: Restaurant
  • Problem C: Tetrahedra
  • Problem D: International Party
  • Problem E: Hide-and-Seek
  • Problem F: TV Watching
  • Problem G: Make Friendships
  • Problem H: Slippy Floors
  • Problem I: Roads in a City

3rd Day

  • Problem A: Rolling Cubes
  • Problem B: Reading Brackets in English
  • Problem C: Grated Radish
  • Problem D: Greedy, greedy.
  • Problem E: First Experience
  • Problem F: Web 0.5
  • Problem G: Philosopher's Stone


Last-modified: 2011-11-08 (火) 21:37:55 (4644d)