Yusuke Izumi

Japanese | English


  • Dept. of Computer Science, Grad. School of Information Engineering and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Sample Solutions

FY (fiscal year) starts in April and ends in March of the next year, following Japanese custom. For example, FY 2005 stands for the period from April 2005 to March 2006.

ICPC Participation

  • 2000/2001: Tsukuba (8th place)
  • 2001/2002: Hakodate (3rd place)
  • 2002/2003: Kanazawa (5th place); Manila (1st place); World Finals (21st place)
  • 2003/2004: Aizu (3rd place); Manila (1st place); World Finals (29th place)
  • 2004/2005: Ehime (coach)
  • 2005/2006: Tokyo (coach)
  • 2006/2007: Yokohama (coach); Tokyo (student volunteer)
  • 2007/2008: Tokyo (coach)
  • 2008/2009: Aizu (co-coach)
  • 2009/2010: Tokyo (senior volunteer equiv.)


Last-modified: 2010-01-27 (水) 15:56:28 (5294d)